It always pays to brand yourself as a professional. Buyers and Sellers all want to work with a professional, not an amateur. You can make a great first impression by having a unified image or brand across all your marketing and advertising. Here’s how:
1. Website Domain Name
The first domain name you should always own is, that is, your actual name. In many ways your name IS your brand in real estate. If your actual name is not available, try using something like or If you market exclusively to one market area try to get a name with the market area stated, such as:
2. Hire a Designer
Have an experienced (in Real Estate) designer custom design all your printed materials including: Business Cards, Flyers, Post Cards, etc. The continuity of color palette, fonts, and design elements alone will go a long way towards creating your professional brand. Consider having the designer create a personal logo as well for all materials off and online. A properly executed branding package can give you years of return on your money and image.
3. Website Branding
Take this new design and brand and have it applied to your website as closely to the original as practical. If you run picture ads online, use the design there as well. This custom design on your website will cost extra from your developer, but it will be money well spent on your professional brand.
4. Social Media Marketing
Business is Business, and Business is Social. As a Real Estate Professional being online and looking right has never been more important to your success. Take your newly minted brand and apply it to all of your social media profiles that relate to your business. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest accounts will all benefit from your new professional brand and image.
If you can follow these four tips, you will be rewarded with a new more professional brand for 2017!
Need help with branding your website? RealtyTech offers website customization services for both agents and offices.