Search Engine Online Marketing for Agents & Brokers
When You are Serious About Marketing: RealtyTech Will Provide Serious Results
P.T. Barnum once said, “Without Promotion, Something Terrible Happens: Nothing!” That advice was never as appropriate as it is for today’s Real Estate Agents and Companies. Simply having a web presence doesn’t mean much if you are not going to promote it.
RealtyTech has been driving traffic and online leads to our Internet Marketing Clients since 2002. RealtyTech Inc. has partnered with online traffic giant: to provide sophisticated geo-targeted online marketing for our Clients. These are Clients willing to invest the time and money required to drive serious traffic and garner promising leads from their websites.
While Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves an extensive consultation and setup phase, RealtyTech’s SEO engineers implement personalized monthly updates to build your brand’s exposure and expand the reach of your website. We constantly fine-tune the different levels of optimization needed to meet the ever-changing requirements of search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. RealtyTech’s SEO programs require a two year commitment.
Our Methodology:
- Client Interview – The initial consultation is one of the most important steps in the SEO process. RealtyTech needs to intimately know and understand your brand, your market, your products or services, your competitors, your trade area, and most importantly, your edge or unique selling proposition – what makes you the best choice in local real estate?
- Keyword Analysis and Optimization – After some competitive analysis, RealtyTech’s SEO engineers collaborate with you to compile a list of relevant search keywords and phrases used by your potential clients to find your page. From there, RealtyTech has a more complete picture of how to strategically drive customers to your page that are looking to buy, sell, or lease homes in your geography or trade area.
- Content Creation and Targeting – Using the keywords defined above, our SEO engineers modify the website content, duplicating keywords in the meta tags, image tags, header tags, and links to the website in order to build congruity and consistency in the search results. This constant process builds domain authority, allowing search engines to find your page for relevant searches done in your geography for your services. RealtyTech’s engineers also monitor keyword-related searches in an effort to recommend optimizations that will drive more traffic to your site in the long run.
- Goals and Metrics – Using analytics software, RealtyTech’s SEO engineers keep a watchful eye over site traffic, drilling deep into detailed measurements like referral source channel, time spent onsite, and the number of pages viewed. Our team has the ability to analyze and prioritize the most effective keywords and channels, making optimizations that send qualified users to your site, generating relevant leads that eventually turn into converted sales for you.
Have Questions or just want to get started? Call 805.413.7888 and ask for a RealtyTech Marketing Specialist today!