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What is the Real Estate Update?

This monthly, personalized e-newsletter is designed for you to e-mail to your customers and prospects each month, and to include on your Web site. The Real Estate Update features eight to ten consumer-oriented articles about real estate including current market conditions, interest rates and general homeownership. All articles are written by the award-winning columnists of Realty Times. The newsletter isn’t cluttered with any flashy banner ads or off-site links — it is designed to make YOU look good. The Newsletter features your:

  • Picture and/or Company Logo
  • Personal Article
  • Slogan or Tag Line
  • Personal and Company Contact Information
  • Listing of the Week (or Other Link of Your Choice)
  • Customizable Welcome Pop-up Window
  • Contact Me Form

You don’t have to be a computer geek to learn how to utilize the Real Estate Update, or its features. We have an excellent support staff to help walk you through any questions you may have. We will have your first Newsletter ready to go within hours of your initial sign-up, and the monthly updates happen automatically — all you have to do is send it out!

Don’t have time to send your newsletter each month? Realty Times has the answer. Our Auto-Emailer Program will automatically send your newsletter to your client base each month. For more information on the Auto-Mailer, Contact Us!

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What can I customize on my Newsletter?

In addition to your photo, contact information, tagline or slogan, links to your Web site and e-mail, you also have the option of creating your own personal article (or local information), including a featured listing, utilizing a pop-up window, and more.

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Can I see some examples?

Yes. Just click on the ‘Clients’ tab at the top of the page.

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Is there a Canadian version?

Yes. Realty Times offers a Canadian Edition of the Real Estate Update e-newsletter specifically for the Canadian market.

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How is the Real Estate Update different from other Newsletters?

Realty Times is known for providing customers with original content from the top real estate writers in the nation. All stories are timely, well researched and pertinent to buyers’ and sellers’ immediate needs. There are no additional hosting fees for the Newsletter. Every page displays your picture and contact information. We do not ask for your client’s e-mail addresses. Additionally, the Newsletter has no off-site links or advertising, and provides for extensive personalization.

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Can I print the Newsletter?

The newsletter was designed for Internet distribution only; however, there is a special Print Version available for those prospects without e-mail, or as handouts.

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How will I receive my Newsletter?

Every month, you will receive an e-mail message including a new link to your Newsletter.

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How will clients find my Newsletter?

There are three ways clients will get to your Newsletter:

  1. Send clients the link to your Newsletter every month.

    We know that agents are busy people, so to make it easier we will include a pre-written letter in your monthly e-mail notification. You can send this letter to your clients. This letter will include the link to your Newsletter as well as a list of the article titles featured that month.

  2. Link your Newsletter to your personal Web site.

    By linking the Newsletter directly to your personal Web site(s), you’ll be able to catch some potential clients. With the Daily News and Advice feature and the ability to read informative consumer advice articles, consumers will have a reason to visit your site again and again.

  3. Your clients will forward it to their friends.

    Scenario: You send the link to your Newsletter to Joe Buyer. Joe really likes the article about how he can look for a new home. He decides to forward this link to his friend Suzy Homeseller, who is looking for a new home and (luckily for you) an agent. Suzy is interested in the article, and decides she wants to receive the Newsletter, too. She looks at your contact information, sends you an e-mail, and you have a new client.

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Can I reprint articles to forward to clients?

Absolutely… as long as you follow the reprint guidelines:

  • You must be a current annual newsletter subscriber.
  • Please do not edit the article.
  • Make sure to include “Copyright 2011 Realty Times,” the author’s name and the title of the article.

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Can I send my newsletter to as many people as I want to?

Yes. We encourage you to send your newsletter to all of your clients and prospects. You can even put a link to your newsletter on your web site.

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How do I send / e-mail the newsletter to my clients and prospects?

Each month, we will send you a URL for that month’s issue. You may include that URL in an email to all of your clients, prospects and friends.

For step-by-step instructions on sending your newsletter as a link:

At the beginning of every month, we will send you a notification that your newsletter is ready. In this e-mail, we include a message that you can send to your clients. When your clients open your e-mail and click on the link, they will be taken directly to your newsletter.

To forward the message we send you to your clients, this is what you need to do:

  1. Scroll to the part of the e-mail we send you which says:

  2. Move the pointer on your screen to the beginning of the message directly below this line.
  3. Hold down the left button on your mouse and drag the pointer to the end of the message you want.

    The entire desired message should now be highlighted.
  4. Release the left button.

    The message should remain highlighted. If you accidentally hit the mouse button again, the message will not stay highlighted and you will need to start over with step number 1.

  5. Go to “Edit” on your menu.
  6. Choose “Copy” from the edit menu.

    The message is now copied
  7. Create a new e-mail message (usually called “compose” or “new memo” in an e-mail program)
  8. In the “To” field, type your e-mail address.

    This will tell your computer to send one copy of the message to your e-mail address so you can make sure it goes through correctly.

  9. In the “BCC” field, type all the addresses of everyone you want to send the e-mail to. Separate different e-mail addresses with commas. Ex: joe@snow.net, suzy@que.com, mary@lou.edu, justin@time.com…. etc. (NOTE: If you are using Outlook Express and you do not see the “BCC:” field, click “View” and select “All Headers.”)

    (Bcc stands for Blank Carbon Copy… in simple terms, this means that when you send this e-mail to a client, they won’t see everyone else’s e-mail addresses. They will only see yours, and their own.)
  10. Move the pointer to the place where you would usually type an e-mail.
  11. Click the left button on your mouse in this space.

    This will make a cursor appear in the composition space.
  12. Go to “Edit” again.
  13. Choose “Paste” from the edit menu

    If you’ve done everything correctly, you will see the message you copied displayed in the composition space. If you do not, go back to step one.

  14. Create a subject that you think will encourage your clients to open your e-mail and type it in the subject line.
  15. Click the “send” button.

To make sure that you did everything right, you will need to wait a minute or so until the copy you sent to yourself comes through. You can open that message and check it out to see what you’ve sent to your clients.


E-mailing the Newsletter in HTML Format

If you would like for your clients to see your Newsletter immediately when they open your e-mail instead of having to click on a link, this is what you need to do:

  1. Make sure that your e-mail program is configured to send messages in HTML format.
  2. Click on the link to your current Newsletter.

    Your browser will automatically open up and display your Real Estate Update

  3. Right-click on the words “Real Estate Update”

    A menu will come up
  4. Select “Open link in new window”

    A new window will appear with your Newsletter in it.
  5. From this new window, go to “File.”
  6. From the “File” menu, choose “Send.” (If using Netscape Navigator, choose “Send Page.”)
  7. From the “Send” menu, choose “page by e-mail.”

    Your e-mail message is now ready to be sent.

  8. In the “To” field, type your e-mail address.

    This will tell your computer to send one copy of the message to your e-mail address so you can make sure it goes through correctly.
  9. In the “BCC” field, type the newsletter group name or all the addresses of everyone you want to send the e-mail to. Separate different e-mail addresses with commas. Ex: joe@snow.net, suzy@que.com, mary@lou.edu, justin@time.com…. etc.

    (Bcc stands for Blind Carbon Copy… in simple terms, this means that when you send this e-mail to a client, they won’t see everyone else’s e-mail addresses. They will only see yours, and their own.)
  10. Create a subject that you think will encourage your clients to open your e-mail and type it in the subject line.
  11. Click the “send” button.

To make sure that you did everything right, you will need to wait a minute or so until the copy you sent to yourself comes through. You can open that message and check it out to see what you’ve sent to your clients.

Please Note:

  • Almost all e-mail programs understand HTML, but some do not.
  • Your Pop-Up Window will not work when the Newsletter is sent this way.
  • AOL recipients might get a warning message about attached images.


How do I get more visitors to my newsletter?

The only way that anyone might visit your newsletter is if you tell him or her about it. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Send an email to your clients and prospects alerting them to the new newsletter and include the link in it.
  • Put a link to the newsletter on your personal Web site.
  • Register your newsletter URL with the major search engines.

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When is my Personal Article due?

You will not turn in your Personal Article to Realty Times. Instead, you will enter it into your Personal Editing Page. Once you’ve logged in there, you can change your:

  • Picture

  • Greeting

  • Tag Line

  • Contact me box

  • Listing box information

  • Contact information

  • Personal article

  • Welcome pop-up box

  • You may make changes at any time, as often as you like.

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    When will I receive my first issue?

    You will receive the first issue within two (2) business days from the time you sign up. You will receive the issue for the month you sign up in. For example, if you sign up anywhere from January 1st through January 31st, you will receive the January issue.

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    Do I need to sign up for each month’s newsletter?

    No. Your annual subscription guarantees you will receive twelve (12) months of the Real Estate Update newsletter. Our system automatically notifies you the beginning of each month with your links and instructions.

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    Can I link directly to the daily news and advice section?

    Yes. You can find the URL at the bottom of the control panel page and in each month’s e-mail notification. You may use this link on your Web site and e-mails.

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    Can I link to the newsletter from my Web site?

    Yes. Included in each month’s notification e-mail is a link specifically created for your Web site.

    Or, you can simply replace the number in the middle of your newsletter link (URL) with the letter “C” (e.g. http://realtytimes.com/C/myname) This link will always point to the most recent edition of your newsletter.

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