EVERY listing in your entire MLS will have only your Picture and contact information on it. When someone is searching for a home or researching your website to decide who best to sell their home, you will be professionally presented on every page of your ApexIDX MLS Search system.
Branding on the Website blended with equal branding on your professional IDX system will instill confidence in your prospects that you are an expert in your market areas. But the branding goes way beyond just the search pages…
Our ApexIDX MLS Search system for Real Estate Agents has integrated Branded Listing Alerts as well! Each email that is automatically sent to your prospects has your personal photo in the upper left, follow by all of your contact information right in every email sent by the ApexIDX system.
In addition, your IDX Listing Alerts Emails have actual thumbnail photos of each home that matches your prospect’s custom search. Clicking on any photo of link in the email sends that person directly to that listing where the user is greeted with more photos of that home and your personal photo, with contact information.
Branding is important on your Real Estate Agent Website and IDX products, at RealtyTech, we know and we deliver on all your branding needs.